Emotional & Honest Podcasts
From Feelings&Co
Feelings & Co. podcasts explore the full spectrum of human emotions. Hosted by Nora McInerny and others, our shows are rooted in emotional honesty, offering stories that range from deeply touching to delightfully humorous. Discover our chart-topping podcasts including Terrible, Thanks for Asking, It’s Going to be OK, The Terrible Reading Club, Refamulating, and Time Capsule: The Silver Chain. Explore the full list below.
All Episodes
Grief comes with so much judgment. Everybody is sure that there’s a right way to do it, and only for a certain length of time. If our grief doesn’t neatly…
March 29, 2022
How’s It Going In There? 2022 Edition
In 2020, we asked how it was going in there … wherever it was you were isolating, quarantining, social distancing. Somehow, it’s been *checks watch* TWO YEARS of COVID and…
March 22, 2022
The Della Diaries
Danielle’s daughter Della was a quintessential “good baby.” She slept through the night almost from the get go. She rarely cried! But when Danielle started weaning her, little Della would…
March 15, 2022
Growing up, Dani Shapiro never felt like she truly belonged to the orthodox Jewish community she lived in. All around her were kids who dressed and prayed and looked alike…
March 8, 2022
Tell Me About Them
When someone we love dies, we become the vessels responsible for carrying their memory forward. The people we love stay alive in the big things, of course … but in…
March 1, 2022
Liam and the Letters
Liam was raised as a girl, but from a very young age he knew that just … didn’t make sense.
February 22, 2022
The Scammer Speaks
In our “Behind The Scammer” episode, you met Celisia Stanton and Rev. Gonzales, two people who had their life savings stolen from them by their financial adviser, a man named…
February 15, 2022
Self-Portrait of My Own Misery
We are all just products of the people who raise us. And they are products of those who raised them. Vanessa Zoltan knows that better than most. She is the…
February 9, 2022
26 Pages
Many people who have autism are diagnosed at a young age. But today’s guest, Grace, wasn’t diagnosed with autism until she was 27 years old. In the months since the…
February 2, 2022
These Are Your Confessions
We recently made an episode called “The Grudge Book” filled with your grudges, and the feedback was SO strong. People felt validated. They laughed. They connected. So Nora got to…
January 26, 2022
In Absentia
Olivia is 7 years old when her dad moves out of state to take a new job … and is never heard from again. In high school, a manilla envelope…
January 18, 2022
We’re Supposed to Be Four
It’s the stuff of romantic comedies: Man meets woman as they’re boarding a flight. The two quickly discover they share many similarities and go on to chat for hours. There’s…
January 12, 2022
October 8, 1988
Suffering can feel like such a singular experience — like there’s no one else in the world who understands what we’re going through. But sometimes, if we look hard enough,…
January 4, 2022
Behind The Scammer
We’re culturally obsessed with scammers, con artists and fraudsters. People like Elizabeth Holmes and Bernie Madoff dominate headlines and then get films made and books written documenting what they did…
December 7, 2021
War Stories
Nora’s dad — Vietnam veteran, father of four, advertising copywriter — died seven years ago. And in this episode, the McInerny siblings reflect on who Stephen J. McInerny was.
November 9, 2021